23 March, 2017

The 69th "New Zealand Chinese Association (Inc) Annual Sports Tournament" and Cultural Show 2017 will be hosted by the Canterbury Branch in our beautiful Garden City, Christchurch. Held over Easter weekend from Friday 14th to Monday 17th April 2017.

We warmly welcome participants, supporters, your families and friends throughout New Zealand to fulfil the objective of the tournament in promoting goodwill, friendship, mutual understanding and healthy competition among our members. To bring people together to attend our premier event on the annual NZCA calendar.

The tournament Opening Ceremony will be a showcase treat with a wonderful Cultural Show featuring classical Chinese performers, popular music, martial arts, dance and a multi-media production.

Over hundreds of participants will challenge for a prized sports trophy for their Branch. The weekend endures healthy competition in a range of sports including athletics, basketball, dodgeball, golf, indoor netball, indoor football, netball, table tennis, tennis, and touch rugby.. The Branch that encourages participation with the spirit of the tournament will take home the "Goodwill trophy". An overall "Tournament trophy" will be presented to the branch showing outstanding winners.

It is expected that the competition will be tough, but the spirit of participation will be rewarding!

It is an ideal opportunity for lasting friends to meet up and new friendships to be fostered with organised fun Social events held each night for the young, old and the restless.

A Closing Ceremony and presentation of trophies will be the highlight of the tournament. Being entertained and feasting on a banquet at the lavish Madam Kong's Restaurant to dance the night away and to celebrate the friendship to an eventful weekend.

As a member of the New Zealand Chinese Association, your entitlement to participate at the tournaments and use of the facilities is covered by your annual membership.

Canterbury Branch acknowledges the generosity of the Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust, the New Zealand Chinese Association Inc and sponsors for their utmost support in the funding of our major event.

Finally, on behalf of NZCA Canterbury Branch we wish you all good luck, success and good cheer for an enjoyable and memorable 2017 Easter tournament weekend. "Year of the Rooster!"

Emmie King
New Zealand Chinese Association Canterbury Branch



Web: http://nzcaeaster2017.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NZCAEaster2017
Instagram: @nzcaeaster2017
Twitter: @nzcacanterbury